Life School: Better Today
“Hearing stories told from the mouths of people who know how to live, how to course correct, how to keep going, how to never quit, how to rejoice in the good times and have faith in the bad; those people are masters. Anyone who can do that is a master. And their ability to share their stories only helps the trajectory of others who listen.” - Oprah Winfrey
I would like to invite you to be our Fire Starter and kick off our open conversation about life hosted by "Life School: Better Today". We will freely discuss hopes and dreams for today, tomorrow, and life in general. The goal is for each person to go away with a flame that moves him/her to be better today than he/she was yesterday and a plan to be better tomorrow than today. You should find everything you need to know below.
3pm PT/6pm ET - 90minutes
This is a conversation not a speech or lesson. You don't have to be polished, you just have to be you. You have a story, you know where you came from. So you just need to be who you are everyday. No slides, no presentation. More like sitting under a tree with someone you care for enough to urge forward.
I’m not inviting “speakers”, I’m inviting inspiring people. People who aren’t perfect, made mistakes, but kept going and are “Better Today” because of it, as is the world around them.
I know your voice. I know your candor. And I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t think you would do amazing.
The group is parents with their high school children and aspiring adults (13-85yrs old) from around the country. We’ve had a woman scientist working to release a test to detect COVID; an Air Force Master Sergeant and assistant fire chief with 153 firefighters under his command; and Vera Rowe, who started her path as a math teacher then jumped ship to chase her dream and ultimately become 9-time world champion in Salsa, Hustle, and Bachata.
You are next. Don't bring a lesson to teach. Bring the lessons that have taught you. You’ve inspired many and we hope to have the chance to see the root of that inspiration through your story. And that’s not all. I know there’s a lot more story to you than that. It is the little things that people don’t hear often that have the most impact. “Wow. You struggled too." "Wow. I’m not the only one." "Wow. There’s someone else like me.” "Wow. If you can do, I can. And I will start today."
This is all it is: A bit of a background on who you are, where you came from, and how you got there. And of course the idea of how you've worked and want/need/plan to continue to work to be a better you.
Who or what do you believe has had the greatest influence on you becoming who you are today? If you could reach yourself at half your current age, what would you change or what guidance would you want to impart? Where do you look or go when you need inspiration?
There are no right answers. There are no wrong answers. Because every word is you.
The conversation is 90 minutes total. You will have the floor for 20-30 minutes to start the conversation, then we will opening up for questions and conversation.
Simply send me a photo and two sentences that summarize you, your background, and your story to build an introduction that will be sent out the Wednesday prior. And of course think about who you are and how you got there. The rest will happen naturally.
This online program is a test pilot for a broader concept titled "Life School: Better Today" which works to prepare and inspire people of all ages to be equipped for life and the achievement of their goals and dreams.
"Life School: Better Today" came from the heart and mind of Darnell Kemp as a way to help people of all ages and backgrounds to always grow toward their true potential.
Darnell Kemp is an MIT and UC Berkeley Haas School of Business alum with a heart for improving the world we live in by drawing together families and helping people reach their potential. He currently leads a national business development team working with the top companies in consumer packaged goods (CPG). His background also includes venture capital, biotech, engineering, and being a licensed high school math & science teacher. His passions include capoeira, guitar, Latin dance, photography, cooking, travel, people, and general fitness.